Friday, July 20, 2012

Thoughts on the Colorado Cinema Tragedy

It seems as though the world gets worse each and every day. That, or we just never noticed how bad the world was until recently. We've never been more connected on a global scale than we are right now. With social sites, youtube, blogs, smart phones and more, as soon as something terrible happens, the news is spread all over.

I was working late last night editing promos for HubTV. I was exhausted but I finally wrapped up about 2:30am or so. I figured I'd do one more quick stroll around the internet before turning in for the night. My first stop, Facebook. Someone had commented on one of my earlier status' where I was whining that I couldn't get tickets to the midnight release of The Dark Knight Rises. I said it looked like fun. The commenter simply said, "Not in Colorado ;("